Eating Popcorn With a Dental Cap
Do you love popcorn? If so, you may be wondering if it’s safe to eat with a cap on your tooth. When you have a dental cap, or crown, on your tooth, it is important to carefully consider what you eat. Indulging in the wrong foods could damage both your cap and the surrounding teeth.
So, can you eat popcorn with a cap on your tooth? The answer is that it depends on the type of cap. While eating popcorn with certain types of caps is okay, you should avoid popcorn with temporary caps. If you are unsure whether you should eat popcorn with your tooth cap, it is best to ask your dentist!
In this blog post, we talked with the dental experts at Dental Associates Near Me for information about wearing dental caps, how they work, and some foods to avoid when wearing one!
What is a Dental Cap?
A dental cap, or a crown as it is sometimes called, can be placed on top of your tooth. It covers the entire tooth and looks very similar to a natural tooth! However, unlike natural teeth that have roots in your gums, caps are glued onto the surface of the remaining portion of your original tooth. They cover both the biting and chewing surfaces of the tooth.
Caps prevent further damage from occurring to weakened teeth. However, they also stop you from chewing with those particular teeth. This means that caps should only be considered if there isn’t any alternative option for repairing damaged teeth or filling cavities (without removing more healthy enamel).
Caps protect chipped, damaged, or weakened teeth by creating an even surface that allows food items such as popcorn to slide off easily. If you have a tooth cap, it is best to avoid sticky foods such as caramel and gummy bears which could cause further damage or cracks in your tooth!
Types of Dental Caps
Whether or not you can eat popcorn with a cap on your tooth depends on the type of dental caps that your dentist uses.
Porcelain Caps
Porcelain caps are made from a ceramic material to match the color of natural enamel! Eating crunchy foods like popcorn is okay while wearing these caps. However, it’s best to avoid sticky or chewy items such as caramel and gummy bears which could damage them.
Temporary Caps
Temporary caps can be fabricated in several ways including using metal alloys, resins, polymers, ceramics (porcelain), acrylic resin compounds, or composites. This type of cap is used when someone needs immediate protection for their damaged tooth until they get an actual crown.
Temporary caps are often made from metal or porcelain. They can either be attached with cement or adhesive bond to the tooth surface. It’s best not to eat popcorn while wearing a temporary cap. This is because it could damage your teeth, so always wait until you get permanent dental crowns!
What Foods Should You Avoid When Wearing a Cap?
The majority of food items are perfectly safe for people wearing dental caps. However, certain items should be avoided when eating with this type of teeth restoration. These foods to avoid include:
- Sticky Candies
- Caramel
- Gummies
- Anything Chewy or Sticky
- Crunchy Bars
- Hard Candy
- Corn on the Cob
These types of snacks can get stuck on top of your crowns and caps if pieces break off while chewing them. This means you will need additional dental treatment to remove the food particles and repair any damage caused by chewing on unapproved foods.
Cavities can also form in between your teeth if you eat sticky or crunchy snacks while wearing a cap over one of them! The added pressure from eating these types of food items could cause further damage to already weakened tooth enamel. This increases the risk of cavities developing beneath crowns or caps.
If you are unsure whether it is safe to eat certain foods with dental restorations such as caps, talk to your dentist! They will be able to provide more specific details about what you should avoid when wearing this type of restoration.
Can You Eat Popcorn With A Crown?
Popcorn is generally a safe food item to eat when wearing a dental cap. However, it is important not to place your popcorn directly against the tooth that has been capped. This could cause further damage!
Does Popcorn Really Cause Damage?
The short answer is yes. Popcorn kernels contain very hard particles which tend to become lodged in people’s teeth after prolonged chewing. The popcorn can become stuck in the grooves of a capped tooth and cause damage if it isn’t removed promptly!
Tips for Eating Popcorn With a Dental Cap
If you want to enjoy this delicious snack while wearing dental caps, we recommend:
- Chewing on one side at a time so particles can fall out easily when finished chewing.
- Avoid chomping directly down onto your crowns or caps as this could lead to further damage.
- Swishing with water after eating will help flush any remaining pieces away from between your teeth. Here they could potentially get caught up underneath restorations. Popcorn kernels are very difficult things to remove once stuck. This increases the risk of cavity development beneath dental restoration materials such as porcelain crowns or metal.
Types of Foods You Can Eat With Temporary Caps
It is okay to eat some types of foods when you have a gap in-between your natural teeth (when one falls out) but need protection for that area until replacements can be placed by your dentist.
Popcorn is okay if you’re only missing an upper front tooth. This is because there isn’t much pressure put on that particular tooth when chewing this food item which makes it safe. Soft fruits like blueberries are also okay to eat in the same situation.
However, if you have a temporary filling or crown on an upper back tooth which is directly next to your front teeth, it’s probably best not to eat popcorn. There will be more pressure when chewing than just having one missing natural tooth. You could risk cracking that crown and then needing another restoration done even sooner than desired!
Temporary caps do come off sometimes so they can’t really stay permanently attached like permanent dental crowns. Since this is the case, only wear them while eating soft fruits (like blueberries).
As mentioned above about popcorn kernels getting stuck under restorations or temporary caps – don’t let hard foods get stuck beneath any of these types of materials.
How to Take Care of Teeth With Dental Caps
There are a few ways to help your teeth and dental caps stay as strong as possible:
- Brush your teeth twice daily using soft, circular strokes.
- Floss your teeth at least once each day.
- Avoid using toothpicks to remove food particles caught in-between teeth. This could damage the caps or even shift them out of place!
In addition to daily oral hygiene practices, visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and examinations. This will help ensure that dental restorations like crowns are not becoming loose due to decay beneath their surface (if you’re unsure).
If something is wrong with a restoration, it can be fixed sooner than later. You’ll save money on costly repairs by visiting more frequently versus waiting until an emergency arises because of neglecting oral health care routines!
Alternatives to Dental Caps
If you are unsure whether dental caps are right for you, there are other restorative options to consider. A dentist may suggest using a removable partial denture if your teeth all fall out at once or in two adjacent groups (upper front and back teeth).
This type of restoration is possible for people who have no remaining natural tooth roots to hold onto artificial teeth securely.
Another option involves removing the gum tissue overlying an affected missing tooth site which allows the exposed surface area underneath it to be cleaned more easily with daily oral hygiene efforts.
This procedure doesn’t last forever but will help keep cavities away while waiting on permanent replacements until sufficient bone structure has regrown beneath this treatment space!
Speaking with a dental professional is the best way to determine whether a dental cap or another restorative solution is best for your current situation.
In Conclusion
It is okay to eat popcorn with a dental cap on if you only have one natural tooth missing. However, avoid chewing directly down onto your capped teeth. Make sure to cover them up when eating anything other than soft fruits like blueberries!
Eating hard foods (like popcorn kernels) can damage or crack protective crowns that are placed over existing restorations such as fillings which increases the risk of decay beneath these materials.
To keep your restoration strong and healthy: remember daily oral hygiene routines including brushing twice daily using gentle circular motions while avoiding excessive pressure against caps. Floss at least once per day then visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings/examinations so problems don’t arise due to neglecting oral health care.
Related Questions
How Long Does it Take to Get a Dental Crown?
It usually takes at least two visits to create new permanent crowns. At your first visit, your dentist takes an impression of the tooth and surrounding gums. They will then send it to a dental lab. Here they will create the crown that will perfectly match its new home on your smile!
How Do I Keep My Teeth With Dental Crowns Strong?
Your teeth should remain strong if you follow daily oral hygiene habits. These include things such as brushing, flossing, and regular dental appointments to catch problems while they are still small versus larger issues developing down the line due to neglecting necessary care.