What to Know About Professional Teeth Whitening
Do you wish to transform your smile so that not only is it whiter but also brighter and more dazzling? If this sounds like something that interests you, then professionally whitened teeth might be exactly what you need! Professional teeth whitening can help lighten and brighten the color of your teeth. There are a number of reasons why you should consider going to a professional instead of using home products that whiten your teeth.
How long will my teeth stay white after professional teeth whitening? On average, when you receive a professional teeth whitening treatment, it should last up to 4 months. However, there are many factors such as diet and smoking habits that can affect and drastically change this time frame.
Keep reading to learn more about professional teeth whitening and caring for your bright, white smile!
How Often Should You Get Your Teeth Cleaned By a Professional?
It is recommended that you have your teeth professionally cleaned every 6 months. This is recommendation is based on the idea that it takes up to 4-6 months for plaque build-up and food to stain your teeth yellow again.
How white your teeth stay after a professional cleaning depends on several different factors. These include tooth enamel, lifestyle choices (smoking), and wearing makeup. On average, one’s white teeth will stay this color for 4 months.
Although keeping up with these professional dental cleanings can be expensive and time-consuming, it is the best way to keep your teeth whitened.
Why Go to a Professional Instead of At-Home Whitening Products?
If you want a brighter smile, look no further than your local professional teeth whitening service. As they will make sure to get the job done right and safely. After all, putting chemicals in one’s mouth for an extended period of time should only be left up to professionals!
This is why all teeth whitening kits contain warnings and instructions for use. Using these home products incorrectly can cause you to experience a variety of side effects such as gum loss, increased tooth sensitivity, and other damage. Similarly, if your home product causes an allergic reaction or another negative side effect, it might be very hard to determine which ingredient is the culprit.
Many people simply do not have the time or money to continuously pay for and use home whitening kits. This is why it is often much easier and better to go to a professional for teeth whitening services. You can also be sure that the product your dentist uses is FDA-approved and safe for your teeth, as per the American Dental Association.
So, for all of these reasons, it is always best to see a professional.
Is Professionally Teeth Whitening Bad for Your Teeth?
Teeth whitening is becoming increasingly popular, but there are some concerns about its safety. Some people worry that professionally whitening their teeth may be harmful to their dental health. However, there is no evidence to suggest that professional teeth whitening is harmful to your teeth. In fact, when done correctly, it can actually help to improve your dental health. Professional teeth whitening is a safe and effective way to achieve whiter teeth. However, it is important to follow the directions of your dentist or dental hygienist carefully. Over-whitening your teeth can cause sensitivity and other problems.
If you have any concerns about professional teeth whitening, be sure to talk to your dentist or dental hygienist. They will be able to advise you on whether it is right for you.
How to Help Keep Your Teeth Whiter Longer In-Between Visits
Today’s professional teeth whitening treatments are very effective and can whiten your teeth noticeably in a matter of hours. However, if you don’t properly care for them after your treatment they may only stay white for a short period of time.
If you have just had a professional teeth whitening treatment, then it is very important that you do not eat or drink anything except for water for at least an hour. This is because the hydrogen peroxide in whitening treatments can dissolve plaque from your teeth and cause stains to form. After your hour is up, you should drink plenty of water and brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste. You can also use mouthwash for this purpose but try not to rinse out the hydrogen peroxide as it works to keep your teeth white.
After getting your teeth whitened, it is important to know how long professional whitened teeth will stay white. So you need to contact your dentist for an appointment, as he or she will be able to take a look at the condition of your teeth and make necessary recommendations for keeping them bright and white after professional teeth whitening.
However, an obvious way to help teeth stay white at home is to continue taking care of your teeth by brushing with good whitening toothpaste and flossing. Another way to keep your teeth white is by eating more foods that are high in antioxidants. Antioxidants can counter the effects of free radicals and discoloration on teeth.
Things to Avoid After Whitening Your Teeth
Depending on your lifestyle, smoking can cause teeth to become yellow or dark because of the tar in cigarettes. If you are a smoker who wants white teeth, then consider quitting for good. Quitting smoking will not only help keep teeth white but it will also benefit your overall health!
One of the best ways to keep them white is to avoid staining agents. For example, if you are drinking coffee or tea, consider using a straw to drink it. This will prevent excessive exposure to your teeth from these staining agents. However, let’s be honest. No one is willing to give up coffee or tea for good.
Another thing to avoid after whitening teeth is eating food that might stain your teeth. This includes blueberries, curries, and red wine. These foods can be very difficult to remove from the surface of your teeth even with a good brushing, but they can also cause permanent staining or dark spots on your teeth.
Also avoid acidic foods, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, and vinegar will cause your teeth to erode and become yellow. If you want them to stay white then it would be best not to consume any acidic food or drink for at least an hour after you have finished eating. This will also help to prevent other stains from forming. So, it is a good idea to leave these foods out of your diet for a while, if you want to have a bright white smile.
If you follow all of the above advice, then your teeth should stay bright and white for up to a year after whitening. After this time period, it is probably necessary to return for more professional teeth whitening services. If the rest of your smile is healthy and you visit your dentist regularly, then it is likely that he or she will be able to easily perform professional whitening services for you when necessary. As long as you are taking good care of your teeth by brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist regularly.
You should make sure you are aware of how to properly care for them or else they will quickly fade away. If you have any more questions about keeping your teeth white, feel free to visit a professional!
Related Questions
Does Teeth Whitening Work for Everyone?
Well, not everyone’s teeth will respond the same way to professional teeth whitening. By understanding how long professional whitened teeth will stay white, you can make an informed decision about whether or not it is right for your smile and goals. So, if you are unsure how long your teeth will stay white after getting them whitened by a professional, then the best thing to do is contact your dentist for an appointment. He or she will be able to take a look at the condition of your teeth. As well as make necessary recommendations for keeping them bright and white after professional teeth whitening.
Is it Cost-Effective to Get Your Teeth Whitened Regularly?
If you’re hesitant to get your teeth professionally whitened because it’s very costly, there are ways to reduce the costs. First and foremost, if your insurance covers dental work every six months as part of dental care maintenance, use that benefit! Also, ask around about pricing, as different dentist offices charge varied rates. So be sure to find a price range before committing.
However, having whiter teeth is not the only benefit of getting your teeth professionally whitened. As when you whiten your teeth, it removes plaque and tartar buildup, which, if left untreated, can cause serious dental problems down the line such as cavities or worse tooth decay that could require a root canal. So, the cost-effectiveness and value you can get by having whiter teeth and preventing more costly issues from popping up in the future are great.
So don’t let cost stand in your way, see a professional and get your teeth whitened!